
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tell me a secret, I'll only tell a few folks...

My husband will tell you, I'm no good at keeping a secret.
I always give gifts the moment I buy them because I can't wait. Usually I manage to wrap a present but inevitably there's comes along a good reason to give it to the lucky person now!
I usually give away the punchline to any joke I'm trying to tell.
I can't handle the suspense.
Couple that with Marc's tendency to be very snoopy and keeping something hush-hush is nigh on to impossible.
I've never been able to surprise Marc with anything.
Some Christmas mornings, I end up throwing him his presents because he's already figured out what he's getting.
Even now, I'm writing this as I prepare to pick him up for a surprise party his co-workers at Xactware are throwing him for his retirement.
I figure by the time I get him there and return, I can hit send and there'll be no harm.
I've known now for a couple of weeks and it's been tough for me.
I had to remember to delete emails he might see and text messages.
I couldn't share with him random thoughts I was having about the day and time.
I had to invent a little story about my grandson's preschool graduation so I would be able to persuade Marc to be at the right place at the right time and day. I felt bad about fibbing to him.
(Any of you who know Marc understand how hard it is to get him to be anywhere on time and especially if he doesn't understand the reason.)
I think this one might surprise him.
The people putting it together have been stellar.
He told me yesterday nobody at work had mentioned a good-bye lunch or anything.
I just sat there not saying anything.
It will all be over in a couple of hours and then I can relax.
Life can go back to normal with one alteration.
I'm not agreeing to keep any more secrets, ever.

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