
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Keeping track...

I was taking four girls to "Wicked" in Salt Lake City and using public transportation.
It seemed a better option than fighting inner city traffic and it was a rider free day so it didn't cost me any money.
However, our return trip had some challenges.
The TRAX train was crowded and we had to split up for a bit.
I was a couple of rows ahead of my granddaughters and near the door.
Four guys were grouped by me, waiting to get off.
They were loud, somewhat drunk and disorderly and they were turning the air blue.
They called back and forth to each other and made a slew of off-color comments.
I think they thought they were really funny.
The swear words were plentiful.
I couldn't decide whether to complain or just hope they would stop.
(It didn't seem wise to make a fuss as there were four of them and I was one weak grandma so I just sat there.)
The situation went on for several minutes and the group seemed emboldened by their words.
I looked at my granddaughters whose eyes were big.
Then the doors opened and they left.
People around us said they felt bad for us.
"They should have recognized there were young girls present," offered one gentleman rider.
"I think we ought to complain," said another.
I've thought about it several times since and wondered if I missed a chance to stand up for clean language and proper behavior.
On the other hand, what's a 67-year-old lady to do? Holler at them? Point out the sign that prohibits obscene language?
I'm thinking maybe, bear spray?

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