
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Stranger Strobes...

Warning! Warning!
"Stranger Things" is a show fraught with danger.
Not only are there spooky, creepy creatures on this show but the lights, the flashing and the rhythm of it all can be physically disturbing.
On the third night, my eyes were doing the dance they do when I'm getting a migraine. Images were shifting and there were wavy lines all around.
I thought I had eaten too much sugar or danced in the bright sun.
I want to bed with a headache and suffered through the next day with the kind of lethargic funk that usually follows a migraine.
I talked to Marc about it.
We wondered if the transmission from Netflix was weird.
We joked about the aliens on the show having great mental powers that could reach from the television screen into our living room.
We didn't watch two episodes the next night, only one and very carefully.
Then last night we were so interested in what would happen that we gave in.
We watched a couple in a row and I noticed that nearly every scene involved blinking or flashing lights, usually a lot.
I tried to shut my eyes when I could and refuse to admit the light.
I listened instead of looking.
But by the end of the shows, I could feel the tightening in the base of my brain.
I didn't feel swell.
So Marc looked up the show on the web.
Turns out many viewers have noticed that the lights trigger seizures and similar reactions.
Some are saying they won't be able to watch it anymore despite their interest in what happens with El and Nancy and Will and the boys on their bikes.
Some are calling for an apology or a change.
I agree with the ones calling for an apology or at least a disclaimer that warns viewers about the effect.
I can't believe in this day and age somebody had to be told about the possibilities.
Don't we learn from experience?
I think I can. No more "Stranger Things" for me.
Just tell me what happens.

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