
Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter funny...

Marc and I thought we were so clever.
Since we couldn't provide Easter Egg hunts in person this year to our many precious grandkids we decided to design a virtual hunt.
We found pink and purple plastic eggs that would blend in with our cherry blossoms on the backyard tree.
We strapped rubber bands around them and hung them from various branches.
We put the little fluffy Easter bunny Marc had bought me on top sort of like a star.
We carefully positioned the eggs so in a photograph they would be a little difficult to see.
Then we took a picture.
Marc wrote a sort of poem with rhyming words like "quarantining" and "preening."
We put in a challenge about finding all the Easter things for a prize.
I told the grandchild in England he only had to find all 12 things to win, basically giving away the ending before he started.
We sent every household in America with grandchildren of ours a copy.
Then we waited, thinking everyone would be impressed with our imagination and creativity.
By late afternoon, only one family had responded but they did find 10 of the 11 eggs and the bunny.
Later a second bunch sent in their findings.
One child found nine eggs.
Another pair found all 11, including the green one and gold one hidden behind the others, and the bunny.
We haven't heard much from anybody else except one who told us it was a prettily decorated tree.
It was like "good job guys!"
We apparently didn't make our intentions very clear but it was fun to put together and it took up a little of our abundant spare time.
Happy Easter all!!

P.S. Here is the poem, a literary prize:
There’s something new in our plum tree,
An Easter bunny preening.
It was a surprise that all of you could see
If you weren’t quarantining.
So make a count and let us know
What Easter items you see.
If you get it right, not too high nor too low
We’ll deliver a prize for free
The next time we’re allowed to roam,
To wander any trail,
We’ll bring it by your very own home.
Or put it in the mail.

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